We are heading into our third month of the extraordinary Covid-19 pandemic.
There is still a mountain to climb with unemployment to peak, consumer confidence falling, banks tightening lending and a property market to bottom out.
With sales and enquiry dropping, nurturing customers through this period is critical to a project’s success. It can alleviate buying stress as well as maintaining customer confidence in the delivery of the project.
We must keep workshopping new ways to engage customers safely, exceed their expectations and be a source of support at every opportunity.
A few initiatives to bounce around with the project team include:
1 Optimising your CRM strategy
The buying journey for many of our customers is looking a little different now. Prioritising our CRM strategy is important as ever to remain confident we are nurturing our buyers successfully.
We need to understand what our customers really need during this time. What is the right combination of information in terms of the buying process, branding, retail and lifestyle? What channels do they want to use at the moment?
- Conduct research using questionnaires, virtual interviews and focus groups
- Update customer personas
- Understand the changing buying triggers and barriers
- Appreciate customer expectations
- Update CRM content plans for each customer persona
- Revise and develop relevant and timely content based on these insights.
2 Bringing Project Updates Alive
Keep evolving and raising the bar for Construction and Project Updates. Provide customers with complete confidence that works are progressing on schedule during these uncertain times.
Use new and existing videos, interviews and animations to bring new stages and community amenities alive.
These videos will become great marketing content for social media and time capsules for residents.
- Record interviews and insights from Development Managers, Civil and Landscape Engineers and Contractors, residential and commercial Building Contractors and existing residents.
- Use master-plans, animation and time lapse videos to showcase how construction has progressed from initial concept to the present day.
- Utilise drone videos to show how new stages are connecting with established and proposed amenities such as major roads, schools, community hubs, public transport and leisure amenities.
- Install onsite cameras at new stages and community amenities so customers can watch live construction.
Both Stockland and Peet have created great videos that have been shared across their social media channels:
3 Hosting virtual events
Virtual events have exploded and are here to stay. We can use them effectively to maintain confidence and trust as well as providing ongoing support.
Customers have 101 practical and emotive questions on the buying process, project updates and their new community.
- Hosting virtual Q&As are a great way for customers to connect with project teams, resident ambassadors and community leaders.
- Reach out to customers for questions beforehand so guests can prepare.
- Post the videos at the conclusion with extra information and handy links. Try Facebook or Instagram Live or pre-record and share on your YouTube channel.
- Secondly, understand what lifestyle and property related events your customers actually want to engage in. Which social channels are they most comfortable with? Research each of your buyer segments for ideas and inspiration and craft the events strategically around these insights.
Two handy blog posts on planning virtual events come from Hootsuite and HubSpot:
- Hootsuite: How to Host a Successful Virtual Event: Tips and Best Practices
- HubSpot: On-Demand: How to Shift to a Virtual Event Strategy
4 Compile a list of customer resources:
There will be a touch of the unknown for months to come. Consumer laws will change and hygiene best practices and business operations will evolve. These will impact the way we market, sell and provide services.
Even if clients are in a position to buy, some will remain sceptical, nervous or unclear on the buying process or uncomfortable visiting a sales suite, display home or an open for inspection.
- Research and collate customer questions, concerns and purchase barriers.
- Provide timely answers and processes through crafted FAQS, ‘How To’ and ‘Next Step’ guides.
- Make it easily available through all business and project channels and remember to update regularly.
Stockland Residential recently collated their buyer and resident questions and have produced an easy to follow Covid-19 FAQs
5 Respond and action all property queries quickly
Lastly, remember our website and social media networks are communication channels that works both ways.
As well as marketing our projects, they provide a platform for our buyers and residents to raise queries, ask questions and voice opinions. Remain vigilant as our customers demand timely responses and actions.
Say Hello
We are always up for a chat about property and marketing. For a private and no obligation discussion, say hello to Mike Flynn at Matisse Communications:
Featured in the media
Our articles have been featured in leading digital publishers for the Australian property industry. Visit The Urban Developer and The Real Estate Conversation.